@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xl: . @prefix rdag1: . @prefix rda: . @prefix rdaa: . @prefix frbrent: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix ndl: . @prefix dct: . foaf:primaryTopic ; rdf:type ; dct:modified "2024-01-22T09:50:24"; dct:created "1997-03-31"; xl:prefLabel [xl:literalForm "Home of the Hirsel, Alec Douglas-Home, 1903-1995"]; rdfs:label "Home of the Hirsel, Alec Douglas-Home, 1903-1995"; xl:altLabel [xl:literalForm "ダグラス・ヒューム"],[xl:literalForm "Home of the Hirsel, Alec Douglas-Home, Baron"],[xl:literalForm "Douglas-Home, Alexander Frederick"]; dct:source "LCCN: n80125474","孫への手紙"; skos:exactMatch ,; skos:inScheme ; skos:historyNote "Home of the Hirsel, Alec Douglas-Home, Baron→Home of the Hirsel, Alec Douglas-Home (20220427) ; Douglas-Home, Alexander Frederick→Home of the Hirsel, Alec Douglas-Home, Baron (20110809) ; 没年追加 (20110809)". rdf:type ; foaf:name "Alec Douglas-Home Home of the Hirsel"; rda:dateOfBirth "1903"; rda:dateOfDeath "1995".