- ID
- 00910272
- 典拠種別Type of Authority
- 個人名Personal Names
- 名称/タイトルName / Title
- Carlisle, Nicholas, 1771-1847
- 生年Date of Birth
- 1771
- 没年Date of Death
- 1847
- 出典Sources
- A concise description of the endowed grammar schools in England and Wales. v.1 / [by]Nicholas Carlisle ; edited and introduced by Christopher Stray
LC OPAC (200305)
- 作成日Date Created
- 2003-05-12
- 最終更新日Last Updated
- 2003-05-12T16:01:12
- 他形式のデータOther formats
- RDF/XML形式RDF/XML format, RDF/Turtle形式RDF/Turtle format, JSON-LD形式JSON-LD format
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