@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xl: . @prefix rdag1: . @prefix rda: . @prefix rdaa: . @prefix frbrent: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix ndl: . @prefix dct: . foaf:primaryTopic ; rdf:type ; dct:modified "2004-10-13T10:21:48"; dct:created "2004-10-12"; xl:prefLabel [xl:literalForm "Station 703 Corporation"]; rdfs:label "Station 703 Corporation"; dct:source "The building standard law of Japan / supervised by Building Guidance Division & Urban Building Division, Housing Bureau, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management of MLIT, Building Research Institute ; edited by the Building Center of Japan ; translated by Sansei International Inc. , Station 703 Corporation"; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme . rdf:type ; foaf:name "Station 703 Corporation".