@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xl: . @prefix rdag1: . @prefix rda: . @prefix rdaa: . @prefix frbrent: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix ndl: . @prefix dct: . foaf:primaryTopic ; rdf:type ; dct:modified "2019-01-07T18:14:07"; dct:created "2007-10-04"; xl:prefLabel [xl:literalForm "新田, 満夫, 1933-2015";ndl:transcription "ニッタ, ミツオ, 1933-2015"@ja-Kana,"Nitta, Mitsuo, 1933-2015"@ja-Latn]; rdfs:label "新田, 満夫, 1933-2015"; xl:altLabel [xl:literalForm "Nitta, Mitsuo"],[xl:literalForm "Mitsuo Nitta"]; dct:source "Twenty First Congress of International Association of Bibliophiles / edited by Mitsuo Nitta ; [organized by] International Association of Bibliophiles","名称: 慶應義塾大学ホームページ (200710)","読み: 初出資料","書物を愛する心はひとつ, 2017.10: 本文 (生没年)"; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:historyNote "生没年追加 (20180227)". rdf:type ; foaf:name "新田満夫"; rda:dateOfBirth "1933"; rda:dateOfDeath "2015"; rda:biographicalInformation "雄松堂グループ会長".