The Second part of the booke of battailes, fought in our age : taken ovt of the best authors and writers in sundrie languages : published for the profit of those that practise armes, and for the pleasure of such as loue to be harmlesse hearers of bloudie broiles / [compiled by John Polemon]. (The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile ; no. 483)
The Second part of the booke of battailes, fought in our age : taken ovt of the best authors and writers in sundrie languages : published for the profit of those that practise armes, and for the pleasure of such as loue to be harmlesse hearers of bloudie broiles / [compiled by John Polemon].
(The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile ; no. 483)
Cover title: The second book of battailes.Photoreprint of the 1587 ed. printed for G. Cawood, London.Continues All the famous battels that haue bene f...