A versatile planetary radio science microreceiver [microform] : NASA contract NASW-96019, annual progress report for the period October 8, 1996 to October 7, 1997 / [principal investigator], C.D. Fry; [co-investigator], T.J. Rosenberg ([NASA contractor report] ; 205757)
A versatile planetary radio science microreceiver [microform] : NASA contract NASW-96019, annual progress report for the period October 8, 1996 to October 7, 1997 / [principal investigator], C.D. Fry; [co-investigator], T.J. Rosenberg
原資料の出版事項: Milford, NH ; [Washington, DC ; Springfield, Va. : Exploration Physics International : National Aeronautics and Space Administration : National Technical Information Service, distributor, 1997]