著者・編者Por Bernardo Gomes de Brito.
数量2 v. ([16], 479, [1] ; [16], 538, [2] p.) : ill.
一般注記"Offerecido a augusta magestade do muito alto e muito poderoso Rey D. João V Nosso Senhor.".
A reprint and/or retelling of 12 sixteenth century shipwreck accounts in chronological order, each with a separate t.p., giving title and author but no imprint.
Signatures: §-2§⁴A-3O⁴ (T.1); §-2§⁴A-3X⁴ 3Y² (T.2) .
Error in pagination: p. 269 of T. 2 numbered 369 . – Title vignette. – T.1 3O4v blank, T.2,3Y2 blank leaf.
Title vignette.
T.1: 3O4v blank, T.2: 3Y2 blank leaf.