- ID
- 00744627
- 典拠種別Type of Authorityskos:inScheme
- 団体名Corporate Names
- 名称/タイトルName / Titlexl:prefLabel
- Unesco. Principal Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific
- 別名/別タイトルVariant Name(s) / Title(s)xl:altLabel
- Unesco-PROAP(略称)
- 出典Sourcesdct:source
- Development of literacy follow-up materials for women and other disadvantaged population / Asian Cultural Center for Unesco (ACCU), Primary and Non-Formal Education Wing (PNE Wing), Ministry of Education, Pakistan, Unesco Principal Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific (PROAP)
- 注記Cataloger's Noteskos:note
- 機械抽出典拠
- 作成日Date Createddct:created
- 1999-08-20
- 最終更新日Last Updateddct:modified
- 1999-08-27T10:51:00