メインページ > お知らせ > Web NDL Authoritiesの機能を拡張しました/Functions of Web NDL Authorities has been renewed

Web NDL Authoritiesの機能を拡張しました/Functions of Web NDL Authorities has been renewed







Web NDL Authorties日本語版トップページ画像

Creators are added in search results for works

Creators are added in search results for works. This makes it easier to distinguish between works with the same title, and between a work and a topical term with the same name as the work.

The new search refinement button, “without subdivision” has been added

The new search refinement button, “without subdivision” has been added. The “without subdivision” button is located below the “Topical Term” button, and allows you to refine your search results to show only topical terms without subdivisions.

Number of authority data is displayed on the front page

The number of authority data by type is displayed on the front page. The number of authority data is updated on the first day of each month.

Figure of Wen NDL Authorities top page.