メインページ > Web NDL Authoritiesについて > Description of Functions

Description of Functions

1. Search/Display

There are three ways to search for authority data on the front page.

  1. Search by keywords for Name(s)/Title(s) , Variant Name(s)/Title(s) and Variant Term(s)
  2. Search by representative classification numbers from the Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) 9th Revised Edition, the NDC 10th Revised Edition, or the National Diet Library Classification (NDLC)
  3. Search by the NDL’s authority ID

Please refer to the “Help” page for further information on how to use search functions, normalization, and display descriptions.

Please refer to “Web NDL Authorities SPARQL API Specifications 2018-03-31(PDF: 341KB)” for information on how to search using the SPARQL, a kind of Application Programming Interface (API).

2. URI Links

A URI is assigned to each authority data. The type of URI assigned varies according to the type of authority data, as shown in the chart below.

Key: “○” indicates an applicable URI, “―” indicates no applicable URI

URI type assignment per authority data type
Authority Information* URI Name Entity* URI Name Space
ID Type Label Type
Personal Name ndlna
Family Name ndlna
Corporate Body Name ndlna
Geographic Name ndlna
Uniform Title ndlna
Work ndlna
Topical Term ndlsh
Subdivision ndlsh
Genre/Form Term ndlgft

*Please see “About the RDF Model” for more information on “Authority Information” and “Name Entity”.

2-1. Authority Information URI with ID

Every type of authority data has a URI with ID.


2-2. Authority Information URI with Label Type

Every topical term and Genre/Form term has a URI * using the literal value of the “Name/Title” as well as a URI with ID.


*The URI is equivalent of Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI), which is a standard to extend on the URI schemes. An IRI is a sequence of characters from the Universal Character Set (Unicode/ISO10646), including kanji, hiragana and katakana. Thus, there is no need to encode the Japanese characters contained in the URI, i.e. there is no need to convert the text such as “図書館” into the percent encoded strings “%E5%9B%B3%E6%9B%B8%E9%A4%A8”.

For example, the RDF/Turtle description of a website, <http://example.org/>, containing the subject heading “インターネット” is as follows.

@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>.
<http://example.org/> dcterms:subject <http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlsh/インターネット>.

2-3. Name Entity URI

As described in “About the RDF Model> 1. About the RDF Model for Authority Data”, authority data for personal names, family names, corporate body names, and works is comprised of both a description of the authority information (which is an information resource) and a description of the name entity (which is a non-information resource). Since the subject URI used in the description of the name entity is a 303 URI, referencing the subject URI returns an HTTP code 303 see other and the response is redirected to an authority information URI.


If the author of a certain literary work (whose URI is <http://example.org/>) is “Soseki Natsume”, that fact can be described in RDF/Turtle as follows.

@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>.
<http://example.org/> dcterms:creator <http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/entity/00054222>.

3. URI Links to Search Results

You can use URI to link to search results.

The parameter of the request is shown below.

No Item Explanation Match Conditions
1 w Perform a keyword search. Partial match
2 g Use the following values to specify the authority type to be searched.
The value “all” specifies all of the authority type.
The value “na” specifies Personal Name, Family Name, Corporate Body Name, Geographic Name, and Uniform Title.
The value “sh” specifies Topical Term and Subdivision.
The value “gf” specifies Genre/Form Term.
The value “personalNames” specifies Personal Name.
The value “familyNames” specifies Family Name.
The value “corporateNames” specifies Corporate Body Name.
The value “geographicNames” specifies Geographic Name.
The value “uniformTitles” specifies Uniform Title.
The value “work” specifies Work.
The value “topicalTerms” specifies Topical Terms.
The value “sub” specifies Subdivision.
The value “genreformTerms” specifies Genre/Form Terms.
Exact match
3 c Search authority data using the classification numbers in the NDC 9th Revised Edition, NDC 10th Revised Edition or NDLC. Exact match
4 pfx The following parameters are essential to perform a search by classification.
The value “NDC9” specifies a search by NDC 9th Revised Edition numbers.
The value “NDC10” specifies a search by NDC 10th Revised Edition numbers.
The value “NDC9/10” specifies a search by NDC 9th Revised Edition and 10th Revised Edition numbers.
The value “NDLC” specifies a search by NDLC numbers.
Exact match

4. Getting Data in a Specific Format (Data format and filename extension)

Web NDL Authorities supports content negotiation. When accessing the URI for an authority data, you can get the detailed information in HTML with a browser or graphs in RDF/XML in an RDF application. To specify a data format, add the filename extension to the URI.
The following data formats and filename extensions are currently supported.

Data Format Filename extension
HTML .html
RDF/XML .rdf
RDF/Turtle .ttl
JSON-LD .json


  • Batch Downloads
    Please refer to the “Files for Batch Download”.
  • Individual Downloads
    Individual authority data file can be downloaded in RDF/XML, RDF/Turtle, and JSON-LD by clicking the links at the bottom of the Detailed Information pages.

6. Automatic Updates

New, corrected, or deleted authority data is automatically updated on a daily basis.

7. RSS Feed Notifications of New Subject Headings, etc.

Please refer to “RSS Feed Notifications of New Subject Headings, etc.”.