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Web NDL Authoritiesの機能を拡張しました/Functions of Web NDL Authorities has been renewed







Web NDL Authorties日本語版トップページ画像

Creators are added in search results for works

Creators are added in search results for works. This makes it easier to distinguish between works with the same title, and between a work and a topical term with the same name as the work.

The new search refinement button, “without subdivision” has been added

The new search refinement button, “without subdivision” has been added. The “without subdivision” button is located below the “Topical Term” button, and allows you to refine your search results to show only topical terms without subdivisions.

Number of authority data is displayed on the front page

The number of authority data by type is displayed on the front page. The number of authority data is updated on the first day of each month.

Figure of Wen NDL Authorities top page.

不具合が解消しました:現在一部の普通件名で、ダウンロードしたデータに不具合が生じています。/The problem has been resolved: There is a problem with downloaded data of some Topical Terms.






<http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth//00562853> rdfs:label “博物館”.
<http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth//00569368> rdfs:label “歴史”.


<http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlsh/00562853> rdfs:label “博物館”.
<http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlsh/00569368> rdfs:label “歴史”.



  • 該当する典拠データの個別ダウンロード(RDF/XML形式、RDF/Turtle形式、JSON-LD形式)
  • NDLSHの一括ダウンロード用ファイルのうち、RDF/XML形式のファイル







The problem with the downloaded data of the Topical Terms whose last update date is September 27, 2021 or later has been resolved. When the Topical Terms have Broader Terms, Narrower Terms, and Related Terms, downloading the authority data resulted in a part of the URI of Broader Terms, Narrower Terms, and Related Terms missing. But as in the following example, all such URIs have been corrected.


Example: the Related Term “博物館” and the Broader Term “歴史” in the RDF/Turtle format downloaded data of the Topical Term “歴史博物館”.

<http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth//00562853> rdfs:label “博物館”.
<http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth//00569368> rdfs:label “歴史”.


<http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlsh/00562853> rdfs:label “博物館”.
<http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlsh/00569368> rdfs:label “歴史”.


These missing URIs occurred in the following data:

  • Individual download of such authority data (RDF/XML format, RDF/Turtle format, and JSON-LD format)
  • RDF/XML format files within NDLSH batch download files


If you have downloaded the data of the Topical Terms with Broader Terms, Narrower Terms, or Related Terms whose last update date is September 27, 2021 or later, we ask that you download the data again.


We apologize for any inconvenience.

TLS 1.0/1.1による暗号化通信を無効化します(予告)/Ending TLS 1.0/TLS 1.1 support


Web NDL Authoritiesでは、セキュリティ対策として、2022年7月20日からTLS1.0/TLS1.1による暗号化通信を無効化します。
TLS 1.2に対応していない端末(フィーチャーフォン等)やブラウザ等の環境からは、Web NDL Authorities(SPARQL、新設件名等のRSSを含む)をご利用いただけなくなります。
TLS 1.2に対応した環境からのアクセスをお願いいたします。


Web NDL Authorities(https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndla)

SPARQL (https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndla)
SPARQL 1.1 (https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndla/sparql)
新設件名等のRSS配信 (https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/data/ndlsh-rss.rdf)


本作業は、TLS 1.0/1.1による暗号化通信を無効化することにより、第三者によるデータの盗聴・なりすまし・改ざんなどのリスクを軽減することを目的としています。



As of July 20, 2022, Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 and 1.1 will no longer be supported by the following web services to enhance security:


Web NDL Authorities(https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndla)
SPARQL 1.1 (https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndla/sparql)
RSS Feed Notifications of New Subject Headings, etc. (https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/data/ndlsh-rss.rdf)


After support is ended, older browsers not compatible with TLS 1.2 will be unable to access these web services.

Thank you for your understanding.

ジャンル・形式用語のURIが変わりました/ The URI assigned to Genre/Form Term has been changed.













The URI assigned to Genre/Form Term has been changed as name space changed from ndlsh to ndlgft.


Example: URI for “議会資料” (ID:001347333)
Old URI: http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlsh/001347333
New URI: http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlgft/001347333


And Genre/Form Term came to have a URI using the literal value of the “Name/Title” as well as a URI with ID.


Example: URI for “漫画”


Please refer to the “Description of Functions” page for further details.

国立国会図書館ホームページに「典拠データを使った資料検索:Web NDL Authoritiesガイド」を公開しました/How to Use Web NDL Authorities (in Japanese) page in the NDL website is available.


国立国会図書館ホームページに、Web NDL Authoritiesのサービスについて、典拠データの機能を用いた資料の検索サービスを中心に紹介するページを公開しました。
典拠データをあまりご存じない方、Web NDL Authoritiesをどう使ったらよいのかよくわからないという方は、ぜひご参照ください。


典拠データを使った資料検索:Web NDL Authoritiesガイド(国立国会図書館ホームページへリンク)



The new page in the National Diet Library (NDL) website introducing how to use of Web NDL Authorities is available on the following URL.


典拠データを使った資料検索:Web NDL Authoritiesガイド(How to Use Web NDL Authorities) (in Japanese) (link to the NDL website)


This page introduce about how to search for relevant bibliographic data in collaboration with NDL Online, and differences form search results when you use NDL Online advanced search screen.

「著作典拠について」のページを公開しました/List of Authority Data for Works is available




「著作典拠について」のページの「2.著作典拠一覧」では、Web NDL Authoritiesで現在提供している著作典拠の一覧が表示できます。



    National Diet Library makes and provides authority data for Works from January 2021.

    The new page introducing the authority data for Works is available on the following URL.

    A list of authority data for Works updated daily is available via SPARQL1.1. To get the list, please refer to “2. 著作典拠一覧” in the page of “著作典拠について” (in Japanese).


  • Web NDL Authoritiesの機能を拡張しました/Functions of Web NDL Authorities has been renewed



    書誌データ検索の連携先を、国立国会図書館サーチから、国立国会図書館検索・申込オンラインサービス(国立国会図書館オンライン) に変更しました。




    著作の典拠データの詳細情報画面に、新たに「日本古典籍総合目録データベース 」(国文学研究資料館 のデータベース)へのリンクを追加しました。Web NDL Authoritiesの著作の典拠データから、同じ古典作品の日本古典籍総合目録データベースの著作レコードを参照することができます。

    図:Web NDL Authoritiesからのリンクイメージ(注)


    Collaboration between Web NDL Authorities and NDL Online

    Patrons are able to search bibliographic data in NDL Online by clicking a link shown in the detailed information page of Web NDL Authorities. This replaces the function that was available in NDL Search.

    New Authority data for Work and Genre/Form Term

    Authority data for Work and Genre/Form Term is available. A “Work” is a distinct intellectual or artistic creation—that is, the intellectual or artistic content. In the “Work” page, two link buttons for “Work” and “Subject” are available. “Genre/Form Term” is controlled vocabulary which is used to describe what a resource is. In the “Genre/Form Term” page, the “Genre” button is available.

    Collaboration with Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books

    Some authority data for Japanese classic works links to the Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books, the database created by the National Institute of Japanese Literature.

    Figure:Image of links from Web NDL Authorities

    グラフィカル表示機能を改善しました/Graphical Display function has been renewed




    From the viewpoint of web accessibility, the types of borders have been changed.
    Solid lines show Broader Terms, dashed lines show Narrower Terms, and dotted lines show Related terms.
    Due to this change, the type of figures can be recognized regardless of their colors.

    Figure:Graphical Display

    セキュリティ対応を行いました/Network security has been improved


    これにより国立国会図書館典拠データ検索・提供サービス(Web NDL Authorities)の全ページのURLが、httpからhttpsに変わります。



    ※切替後 、HTTPによるアクセスはHTTPSへリダイレクトいたします。

    The URL of all pages of Web NDL Authorities has been changed from http to https.

    Top page
    Old URL:

    New URL:

    *Access via HTTP will be redirected to HTTPS.
    For the time being, access requesting RDF/XML through content negotiation will be returned over HTTP without HTTPS redirection.
    *For security reasons, it is recommended to access via HTTPS.
    *The URI identifying each authority remains http://.

    表示機能を改善しました/Display function has been improved



    The item “Katakana Transcription of Heading” is added on the Detailed Information Screen. Transcription by katakana of heading that used to be shown as ruby characters is now displayed in large size.